What is TST BC?
TST British Columbia is, first and foremost, a religious group. We are a Congregation of the denomination of modern Satanism known as The Satanic Temple, and adhere to the 7 Tenets of TST.
We are not a cult or a multi-level marketing scheme.
We are not 'the Illuminati'.
We are not a political organisation or a satirical/ironic/troll organisation.
If you are unclear on TST’s mission, we recommend you refer to the TST FAQ and familiarize yourself with TST’s Guide to Effective Protest.
Do you worship Satan and promote evil?
The Satanic Temple values reason, compassion, and empathy. We value bodily autonomy and the pursuit of justice. We are non-theistic and do not believe in a literal being called Satan, nor any other supernatural entities. We view Satan as a metaphorical character representing the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom, and the rejection of tyrannical authority. There is no 'Satan' to worship, but rather an idea and a metaphor by which to be inspired.
Why "Satanic"?
We call ourselves Satanists for a variety of reasons. Our primary inspiration comes from the portrayal of Satan by Romance-era authors as a rebel and seeker of knowledge. This characterization of Satan is best seen in works such as Paradise Lost, The Revolt of the Angels, and Inferno. So we literally cannot call ourselves anything else.
What's the difference between TST and other Satanic paths or organisations?
The Satanic Temple is one denomination of the larger religion known as Satanism. There are several older, well-known denominations of this religion, but The Satanic Temple is one of the largest and most internationally widespread. TST's philosophy differs from the other satanic denominations because our values are based on the 7 Tenets of TST, rather than any bible or orthodoxical document.
Is Satanism a religion?
Yes, and TST is a denomination of Satanism.
What does the TST BC Congregation do?
We are a community. As such, we engage in social and religious activities, as well as community-based action to make the world better. We have engaged in charitable activities such as food drives, clothing donations, fundraisers, and community cleanups. We promote social engagement among our members with activities like movie nights, social gatherings, educational events, and online meetings.
Do I have to be a Satanist to join the Congregation?
No! We welcome all who wish to learn about Satanism with an open mind and good intentions. We only ask that you adhere to the spirit of our Seven Tenets while in our spaces.
How do I join?
It must be your own choice, as we do not proselytise. We do not invite people to join us, rather anyone interested must take that step themselves. If you choose to, you can apply to join our Friends & Allies Facebook Group or you may contact us to ask questions.
I'm new to Satanism - where can I find more information?
We recommend you have a look at the comprehensive reading list. You can also browse through the information available on The Satanic Temple's website. However, your best resource is other Satanists.
Does TST BC do creepy rituals and sacrifices?
No, we do not sacrifice anything. Such actions are against our First Tenet. We do engage in rituals, just as any religion does. Rituals for Satanists are individual and based in reason. We do not believe in the supernatural, so our rituals reflect that.